

Arctic tundra ecosystems under fire—Alternative ecosystem states in a changing climate? R. J. Heim et al., Journal of Ecology

Taxonomic diversity and abundance of enchytraeids (Annelida, Clitellata, Enchytraeida) in the Northern Palaearctic. 2. European Russia R. Saifutdinov et al., Biodiversity Data Journal


Migration routes and adult survival of the critically endangered yellow-breasted bunting Emberiza aureola W. Heim et al., Scientific Reports

Comparing Historical and Contemporary Observations of Avian Fauna on the Yáláƛi (Goose Island) Archipelago, British Columbia, Canada D. Obrist et al., Ecology and Evolution

Low average shoreline change rate in 51 years on the raised Aldabra Atoll A. Constance et al., Scientific Reports

Artificial light at night reveals hotspots and rapid development of industrial activity in the Arctic C. Akandil et al., PNAS

Radiative forcing geoengineering causes higher risk of wildfires and permafrost thawing over the Arctic regions R. Müller et al., Communications Earth & Environment

Summer drought weakens land surface cooling of tundra vegetation N. Rietze et al., Environmental Research Letters

Current and past climate co‐shape community‐level plant species richness in the Western Siberian Arctic V. Zemlianskii et al., Ecology and Evolution

Arctic springtime temperature and energy flux interannual variability is driven by 1-to 2-week frequency atmospheric events R. Grysko et al., Weather and Climate Extremes


Plant diversity dynamics over space and time in a warming Arctic M. García Criado et al., California Digital Library

Equivalent roles of marine subsidies and island biogeography in shaping island bird communities D.S. Obrist et al., Journal of Biogeography

The High–Low Arctic boundary: How is it determined and where is it located? K.A. Ermokhina et al., Ecology and Evolution

A global biodiversity observing system to unite monitoring and guide action A. Gonzalez et al., Nature Ecology & Evolution

Deciduous tundra shrubs shift toward more acquisitive light absorption strategy under climate change treatments R.J. Heim et al., Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences

Plant traits poorly predict winner and loser shrub species in a warming tundra biome M. García Criado et al., Nature Communications

Russian Arctic Vegetation Archive—A new database of plant community composition and environmental conditions V. Zemlianskii et al., Global Ecology and Biogeography

Will current protected areas harbor refugia for threatened Arctic vegetation types until 2050? A first assessment M. Reji Chacko et al., Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research

Environmental and anthropogenic factors co-shape community-level plant species richness across the Western Siberian Arctic V. Zemlianskii et al., Authorea


What set Siberia ablaze? G. Schaepman-Strub et al., Science

Plant traits poorly predict winner and loser shrub species in a warming tundra biome M.G. Criado et al., EcoEvoRxiv

Mid-summer snow-free albedo across the Arctic tundra was mostly stable or increased over the past two decades E. Plekhanova et al., Environmental Research Letters

Vegetation type is an important predictor of the arctic summer land surface energy budget J. Oehri et al., Nature Communications

Soil nutrient content and water level variation drive mangrove forest aboveground biomass in the lagoonal ecosystem of Aldabra Atoll A. Constance et al., Ecological Indicators

Arctic warming-induced cold damage to East Asian terrestrial ecosystems J.S. Kim et al., Communications Earth & Environment

Increasing Arctic tundra flooding threatens wildlife habitat and survival: impacts on the critically endangered Siberian crane P.J. Haverkamp et al., Frontiers in Conservation Science

Literature synthesis data of surface energy fluxes and environmental drivers from Arctic vegetation and glacier sites J. Oehri et al., PANGAEA

Harmonized in-situ observations of surface energy fluxes and environmental drivers at 64 Arctic vegetation and glacier sites-Environmental conditions J. Oehri et al., PANGAEA

Effects of multiple targeted repelling measures on the behaviour of individually tracked birds in an area of increasing human–wildlife conflict W. Heim et al., Journal of Applied Ecology


Extent change of protected mangrove forest and its relation to wave power exposure on Aldabra Atoll A. Constance et al., Global Ecology and Conservation

Metal accumulation and its effect on leaf herbivory in an allopolyploid species Arabidopsis kamchatica inherited from a diploid hyperaccumulator A. halleri R. Shimizu-Inatsugi et al., Plant Species Biology

How does leaf functional diversity affect the light environment in forest canopies? An in-silico biodiversity experiment E. Plekhanova et al., Ecological Modelling

Design of the tundra rainfall experiment (TRainEx) to simulate future summer precipitation scenarios R. Grysko et al., MethodsX

Mapping Invasive Giant Goldenrod (Solidago gigantea) with Multispectral Images Acquired by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle C. Akandil et al., Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture


Shallow soils are warmer under trees and tall shrubs across Arctic and Boreal ecosystems H. Kropp et al., Environmental Research Letters

Study of the vascular plants diversity in the surroundings of the Kytalyk Research Station (Arctic Yakutia) O. Khitun et al., ARPHA Proceedings

The biogeochemical variability of Arctic thermokarst ponds is reflected by stochastic and niche-driven microbial community assembly processes A. Le Moigne et al., Environmental Microbiology

Plant trait response of tundra shrubs to permafrost thaw and nutrient addition M. Iturrate-Garcia et al., Biogeosciences

Vegetation trajectories and shortwave radiative forcing following boreal forest disturbance in eastern Siberia S.M. Stuenzi et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences

Global plant trait relationships extend to the climatic extremes of the tundra biome H.J.D. Thomas et al., Nature communications

Impacts of the 2014–2017 global bleaching event on a protected remote atoll in the Western Indian Ocean J.M.B. Cerutti et al., Coral Reefs

Complexity revealed in the greening of the Arctic I.H. Myers-Smith et al., Nature Climate Change

Terrestrial land-cover type richness is positively linked to landscape-level functioning J. Oehri et al., Nature Communications

Extensive fires in southeastern Siberian permafrost linked to preceding Arctic Oscillation J.S. Kim et al., Science advances

Remote sensing of plant biodiversity J. Cavender-Bares et al., Springer Nature


In the land of giants: habitat use and selection of the Aldabra giant tortoise on Aldabra Atoll R. Walton et al., Biodiversity and Conservation

A raster version of the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map (CAVM) M.K. Raynolds et al., Remote Sensing of Environment

An overview of global leaf area index (LAI): Methods, products, validation, and applications H. Fang et al., Reviews of Geophysics

‘There are new species’: indigenous knowledge of biodiversity change in Arctic Yakutia S. Ksenofontov et al., Polar Geography

Validation practices for satellite-based Earth observation data across communities T. Verhoelst et al., Geophysical Research Abstracts

Traditional plant functional groups explain variation in economic but not size‐related traits across the tundra biome H.J.D. Thomas et al., Global ecology and biogeography